Our working groups
Working group on alcohol prevention for vulnerable groups (WHO program).
Alcohol is the most socially accepted drug with us; this results in a huge addiction problem. Alcohol does not only have effects on our own health; even less do we have insight into the exact extent of alcohol's damage in society: health care, traffic casualties (injuries, deaths), acts of violence ... and all the direct and indirect costs associated with them.
How can we become more aware of our group drinking behavior and its effects? In cooperation with VAD and two mental health centers, the working group is now preparing a well-conducted awareness evening that can be organized during a statutory meeting. First, tryouts will happen in the fall in Rc Gent-Noord and Rc Antwerpen Oost. After evaluation and adjustment, each club can organize such an evening.

The goal is to make alcohol culture, our drinking behavior and its effects discussable
- The place of alcohol in our society; how has it evolved over the past few decades.
- Reflection to the individual, what does this mean for me (in a non-moralizing or accusatory way; everyone makes their own choices, starting from the right to correct information).
- What does this mean for me as an entrepreneur, as a physician ... in my dealings with the people around me. How to take “responsibility” even at this level.
In addition, clubs can actively contribute to the promotion of the annual “Tournée Minérale” awareness campaign.
The Alcohol Charter Rotary came about i.c.w. VAD; after all, Rotary is a model of wellness and health. We recognize our vulnerability and care for each other.
Do you feel like joining the working group? Call Wouter Beel: 0477 27 16 40 or email info@rag-ap.org