Our working groups
Gaming-screen addiction working group
In preparation for a working group on fencing and gambling addiction, RC Izegem's club committee on addiction prevention is taking the lead. In cooperation with VAD (Flemish Expertise Center for Alcohol and other Drugs, partner of RAG AP Belgium), the committee will finalize some initiatives to make them available to all Flemish Rotary clubs through the working group afterwards.
Rotary Club Izegem is working with CGG Largo and with the schools for this purpose. The schools are expected to provide input on potentially addicted youth. Prevention opportunities and early intervention are expected from CGG Largo.
Game addiction is viewed more broadly, as game addiction is more prevalent among boys and social media addiction is more prevalent among girls. Both addictions mainly take off in the 12y-17y age group.
We want to start working out a total pathway, i.e. start with prevention to move to early intervention and where necessary to individual treatment.